Created by Regis Brown & Robert Kanner for Daniel Regis Brown, Inc.

Millie enters the World’s Best Curry Puff Contest only to find herself in trouble when she has to make 1,000 curry puffs in just two days for a big event. Millie finally comes up with a clever plan, and figures out how to make the delivery with the help of her friends.

Millie the Mouse Deer children’s storybooks are Published and Distributed in Southeast Asia by:

MPH Group (M) Sdn Bhd

MPH Group Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian group of companies best known for its book retailing and online retailing services as well as being involved in the printing, publishing and distribution of books and library services in Malaysia and Singapore. Its bookstore chain, MPH Bookstores Sdn Bhd, headquartered in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, is among the largest in Malaysia.